:: Mark W. Potter: Graham Gallery, NYC ::
:: NYT, The New York Times, Feb. 20, 1965.
"The American scene is observed here in a clean and severe fashion in expertly handled water-colors that take account of all visual facts in a Wyeth-like way. But these pictures are more than transcriptions from nature, amounting to calm reveries on subject matter. Mr. Potter sees things steadily and sees them whole.”
:: IHT, International Herald Tribune, Feb. 20, 1965.
“A New York debut introduces a gifted watercolorist whose technical assurance and poetic insights transform his many landscapes into evocative moments and passages in time,place and mood.”
Click to enlarge
Bronze Horses of San Marco. Venice.
Click to enlarge
Study: Station Store Porch. 1975, watercolor, 7.9 x 11.2 inches.
Opening May 26, 2017, view Upstate (below) in
"Fresh Perspectives: Recent Art Acquisitions"
at the
The Museum on Blue Mountain Lake
(Adirondack Experience),
Lynn H. Boillot Art Gallery.
Open daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
May 26 to Oct. 9, 2017 (including holidays)
Upstate aka The Maids' Dining Room, 1983, tempera on panel. 45.5 x 47 inches. Courtesy of Adirondack Experience: The Museum on Blue Mountain Lake. 2011.057.
:: Mark W. Potter: David Findlay Jr. Fine Art Gallery, NYC
:: "Mark Potter 1929-1995: Selected Works" Mar.-Apr. 1997.
:: Langdon Quin. "Mark Potter Pictures and Words." 1997.
:: Waterbury Rep-Am, O'Shaughnessy, Mar. 23, 1997.
:: Mark W. Potter: Washington Art Association
:: Waterbury Rep-Am. Oct. 17, 1999.
:: MWP Obituary. Waterbury Rep-Am. Dec. 10, 1995.
:: Andrew Wyeth to Barbara Potter. Feb. 16, 1997.
:: Mark Winslow Potter Remembered:
:: "Mark W. Potter '48" By Lance R. Odden, Headmaster. The Taft School Bulletin, Spring 1996.
:: Kenneth Rush. Transcript: Why Do I Teach? 1992 Vesper talk at Packer Collegiate Institute in Brooklyn, NY.
:: Adirondack Experience: The Museum at Blue Mountain Lake (Formerly the Adirondack Museum) online collections.
:: "Brandreth Park, Real and Imagined, the art of Mark Potter." May-Oct. 1994.
:: Mark W. Potter works at the...(see Contact,Credits).
:: Studies for Upstate by Mark W. Potter
:: Mark W. Potter Education Center at Adirondack Museum.
:: The Taft School.
:: The Mark W. Potter Gallery at The Taft School.
:: Potter "Boxes, Construction, Collage" Exhibit.
:: Exhibit Announcement. Apr.-May, 2015.
:: MWP's Painted Space course prospectus & outline.
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